Revista El Cabás Nº 30 Curso escolar 2021-2022 | Page 19

Lnterdum masvbrs.

Nullam augue eros, rhoncus at augue semper, finityjgnbus sili huturik elementum nibh. Aliquam quis non mattis dui, egtuet hendreryjuit diam siam. Pellentesque posuejte neque nisl, quis mon elementfghum magna etis atis animatis

interdum masvbrsa. Nullam augue eros, rhoncus at augue semper, finityjgnbus huturik elementum nibh. Aliquam quis mattis dui, egtuet hendreryjuit diam. Pellentesque posuerjte neque nisl, quis elementfghum magna rutrum at. Suspendisse interdum faucibus purus, sed posuere lectus ornare semper. Morbi ante erat, tincidunt quis ornare vel, consectetur iyfgujd ipsum. Sed porta viverra orgci, id tempus erat finibus etufgyu. Mauris ut sollicitudin nhkuibh. Fusce congue viverra convallis. Sed mi libero, maximus afghc feugiat vitae, accumsan ifjbd lacus.Suspendisse potenfghti. Nulla scelerisque enim luctus, maximus.

Nam volutpat tincidunt mollis hendreryjuit diam siam ellentesque

Students who are in Primary School and High School often have this problem. Reading book should never be an obligation, but is this a really good idea?

As I see it, it is a good to put mandatory books to pass the subject because, if teachers do not make reading a book mandatory, people will not read it.

Secondly, I know students do not like to read books about something they do not like, or they have already read. It could be a good idea to have some different books that could be interesting.

In conclusion, it is good to make reading books mandatory, but it will be better if teachers offer the students different kinds of books to read, and not the same book for all of them.

This book again?!

Elisa Fernández Morán

1º Bachillerato


Alicia Páez Fernández

1º Bachillerato

Nowadays, it’s very common to meet a person who is a vegetarian, but lots of people think being a vegetarian isn’t good for your health. However, I don’t think this is a disadvantage.


In my opinion, being a vegetarian doesn’t mean you are going to have worse health. In fact, there are lots of possibilities in order to have the nutrients found in meat, for example, in other types of food, or even in pills, which you can find in many places. Also, there are products which have been made for vegetarians and try to copy meat flavor.

In addition, if we talk about the impact of this diet in the environment, we can say it’s even beneficial. Because one of the biggest problems of climate change is produced by cows, and if we reduce beef consumption we will help the earth.


In conclusion, if you are thinking about becoming a vegetarian, you don’t have to care about these things, because when it come to your health, you have lots of alternatives, and you will be helping the environment.