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Event schedule models – using 2 platforms
Below the model event schedule for WWC using 2 platforms:
This model consists of Women 45kg and Men 55kg categories. Women 45kg has only Group A and B, Men
55kg has only Group A, B and C. All the other categories have Group A, B, C and D. Also, only one platform
is planned to be used for Group A sessions for TV broadcasting companies’ convenience.
In the model above, we can reduce 3 competition days from now (from 10 days to 7 days). Maximum
Group A sessions is 3 which is considered to be preferred by broadcasters. In this model also, many split
groups per bodyweight category are scheduled on different days but never split over 3 days.
I suggest and recommend the option B. The reasons are;
Establishing Qualification Events and creating ranking lists for WWC might be too complicated
unless otherwise doping completely disappeared
More and more nations are getting used to running the competition with multiple platforms
During 2019 IWF Youth World Championships, only one platform was used for YWC itself, but
he host run another Bronze Level Event at the same time in one competition venue which can
be model case for future senior WWC
Even IWF Masters applies multiple platforms for their world championships
WF TCRR is already ready for it, in terms of classification of athletes
Borrowing large competition venue costs a lot, but if duration is shorter, saved cost may be able
to cover the cost for multiple sets of Technical Officials
If the IWF introduces senior WWC using multiple platform, my recommendation is applying 2 platforms
for better TV programs. Although application of 2 platforms already provides easier event schedule (star-
ting 7 am weigh-in and ending last competition around 10:30 pm), combination of multiple platforms
and increasing percentages of Minimum Entry Total may work more to reduce the stress of this issue.