revista de pesas sudamericana 7 revista 7 confederacion sudamericana de pesas ok | Page 10
In 2014, these percentages were considered a little low and would not eliminate lifters much. One
of the reasons why the Working Group selected these percentages was not to reduce the number of
participating MFs too much for development purpose. Today, these percentages are not working well.
Too high number of WWC participants causes problems such as;
Causing difficulty to schedule TV program
Causing difficulty for many athletes to expect exactly on which day to compete because the
competition day depends on the group (A, B, C, D…) of that bodyweight category
Causing difficulty therefore to adjust peak performance
Spending more MFs’ budget to be ready for possible competing earlier day (at lower groups)
Spending more local organizing committee’s budget if the accommodation and entry fee
regulated cannot cover their actual expenses
Causing difficulty therefore to provide same condition to all athletes
Causing difficulty for many Technical Officials to leave his/her office/home
Threatening athletes’ health for ones who starts their weigh-in at 6 am
Threatening coaches’ health – some of their athletes may compete midnight and the other may
do next early morning
Threatening local organizing committee members’ health