Snatcher has a storied history around
the world, almost as
systems it has been
released on over the
Snatcher is probably
the only "true" digiMSX2
tal comic that we
received in North
Play it like it was meant to be played
America and it was
Words: Carl Williams
on the Sega CD
(why no PC release
was ever made, I will never understand). This extremely
limited release has led to rather high prices for an original
copy on Ebay.
Set in the past, now, Snatcher opens by telling the story of
a biological weapon that mistakenly gets released into the
air which resulted in over 75% of the population of Eurasia
being killed. 50 years later artificial life forms appear with
sinister plans for the remaining people. You come in as
Gillian Seed who has amnesia but is employed with the job
of eliminating these robots.
Translations” coverage. While there are similarities between most of Kojima’s games, they are different affairs–
there is no over arching storyline to worry about.
Anyone that has followed Snatcher on the Sega CD, or just
about any other platfor K