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Annual General Meeting 2012
Pension Authority Member Representation
Equitable Life Update
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Parkinson ’ s UK
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Overseas Pension
Payments 13
Electrical Fire
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Are Here To Help 20
Parkinson ’ s UK Needs Volunteers
Can you spare some time for a very worthwhile and deserving charity ? If your answer is yes , then please read the article below that has been given to us by one of our retired members , Philip Thompson , who is the Chair to the Barnsley and District Branch of Parkinson ’ s UK . Even if your answer is no , it is still worth a read as you may know of someone who can help .
A word to those of you who have recently retired - How are you finding retirement ; alternatively , are you looking forward to the prospect with joy unconfined ? With life expectancies continually increasing you have to anticipate that you will spend almost as much time being retired as you did working . This prospect brings with it both challenges and opportunities . In this respect I can speak with some authority in that I have now been retired for some 23 years .
You will no longer have the comradeship and the company which the work place offers , the satisfaction from exercising one ’ s skills and in many occupations in the public sector , meeting the challenges of an extremely difficult financial environment .
The leisure activities which one looks forward to pursuing in retirement can quickly begin to become routine and lose something of their attraction . For instance , there are just so many games of golf one can play , day in and day out , before one feels the need for something different . One ’ s walking group probably meets only once a week which leaves 6 days for alternative activities . One could go on and make retirement sound like the waiting room for purgatory but of course it isn ’ t , or shouldn ’ t be , like that . You can take my word for it ; I wished I ’ d retired 40 not 23 years ago but couldn ’ t afford it at the time .
My solution was simply to carry on working , without getting paid for it , at my own pace and doing work of my own choosing . In other words I volunteered and I have to tell you that there are literally hundreds of organisations out there , offering a bewildering variety of jobs , ready to snatch your hand off in exchange for some of your time and the use of your skills and expertise .
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