Customer Service Excellence REVIEW
Pension Pay Dates
New Look Payslips & P60
Annual General Meeting 2012
Pension Authority Member Representation
Equitable Life Update
2 4 5 6 8 9
Customer Service HERE Excellence Review
You may remember in last April ’ s issue of this newsletter we reported that the Authority had successfully passed its first assessment to maintain the accreditation for Customer Service Excellence . In order to continue to maintain the accreditation for Customer Service Excellence we have undertaken a second surveillance assessment . The assessor carried out the review by looking at various areas such as the Authority ’ s performance data , service delivery and standards , our latest customer satisfaction results and any improvements / changes the Authority had made since the last review . The assessment took place at the end of February and we are proud to announce that we have , again , successfully continued to meet the requirements of the award and therefore our accreditation will continue for the final year .
District Offices
Parkinson ’ s
UK 11
Overseas Pension
Payments 13
Warning 14
Alaska Cruise
Report 15
Winner 18
Puzzler 18
We Are Here To Help 20
New Offices for District Staff
Two of our district offices have relocated to new premises .
The Barnsley district office is now at ; Westgate Plaza One , Westgate , Barnsley . S70 2DR Telephone : 01226 773159
and the Doncaster district office is now at ; Civic Office , Waterdale , Doncaster . DN1 3BU Telephone : 01302 737181
Don ’ t forget these are contact details for our local DISTRICT offices . For all general enquiries please contact our headquarters on 01226 772923