RETINA CARE CONSULTANTS. P.A. Taking Care Of Your Retina | Page 5

Retina Problems can be Associated with Age

O Many patients think they are becoming blind when a detached retina occurs . Indeed , if they do not have it attended to speedily this can well be the end result . Dr Shane is in practice to specifically examine all aspects of the eye whilst being a retina specialist he would diagnose any disease , including vitreous disease with a detailed eye examination . Dr Shane is a vitreoretinalsurgeon . Another aspect of the ophthalmologist is to check for cataracts in the eye , basically a clumping of protein can become larger over time . They say time heals all things however , age is against you as far as the eyes go . The older we get a clouding of the lens takes place known as cataracts . They can affect the picture presented to the back of the . If retinal detachment is advanced , it will make the picture received by the retina somewhat less sharp . There is a twofold problem with cataracts . The cloudier the lens becomes ; the less light is received by the retina and therefore we cannot see so well . Images become blurry and bright lights such as car headlights when driving at night , seem starry and dazzle the eye
O A detached retina , which has pulled away from the soft tissue behind the eye , needs attention . Dr Shane will tell you that the eye has the final decision on what is presented to the brain and therefore the eye must be 100 % correct in its retinal scan as possible .