RETINA CARE CONSULTANTS. P.A. Taking Care Of Your Retina | Page 4

Diabetes and the prevention of Retinal Problems The intolerance of our body to combat blood sugar levels, and there are many reasons, but generally our inability to produce enough insulin can affect our eyes. It is also true then that our general health, and any bodily infections can cause harm to the eyes. In general, retinopathy, a chronic eye disease results from the damaging effects of poorly controlled blood sugar affecting the delicate blood vessels in the eye and leads to eventual blindness. This chronic disease has affected patients from as young as 20 to 64 years of age in the US. Badly swollen blood vessels caused by poorly controlled sugar levels which lead to high blood pressure can burst the blood vessels in the eye. Due to this effect, fluid becomes present behind the retina often causing retinal detachment and in some case blindness. O Dr Shane and his team who approach these patients with courtesy passion and respect have earned his practice a name and is known far and wide in many states. Using laser treatment, Dr Shane is able to repair these damaged retinas however diabetic patients are advised to visit the American academy of ophthalmology website for more information at: diseases/3/diabetic-retinopathy. Even these laser techniques cause irreversible burns on the retina and therefore diabetic patients are continually suffering from vision loss. O