Retailers Forum Magazine AUG 2014 | Page 11

retailers Reader Response Free Product InFormatIon From our advertIsers Have our advertisers contact you directly! Simply select the advertisements that interest you and fax this form to 631-754-0630 or fill in on-line at v aPParel General & varIetY ❒ All Advertisers in AppArel App ❒ 01. 1 Stop Wholesale ❒ 02. Backstage ❒ 13. Erazorbit Shirts ❒ 16. Karma Circle ❒ 10. Selini NY ❒ All Advertisers in cellular ❒ All Advertisers in Cell ellUlAr ❒ 24. Clearvision credIt card ProcessInG ❒ All Advertisers in Credit CArd pro rd proCessing ❒ 38. EXS Credit ❒ 68. dIsPlaYs/suPPlIes ❒ All Advertisers in displAYs/sUpplies pplies ❒ 06. JPI Displays generAl & VArietY enerA VArietY ❒ 03. East West Trading ❒ 09. JAM Hats & eleCtroniC CigArettes rettes ❒ 53. Buck Naked ❒ 22. HD Smoke FootWear ❒ All Advertisers in FootWeAr ❒ 37. 79 South China ❒ All Advertisers in JeWelrY & ACCessories elrY elrY ❒ 56. Ear Cuffs ❒ 14. FTH Wholesale ❒ 18. Int’l Jewelry ❒ 19. Judee K ❒ 51. Kay Imports ❒ 54. Mascorro Leather ❒ 05. Earphones ❒ 57. ❒ 07. Ramsons ❒ 26. VD Importers ❒ 27. VIA Trading GreetInG cards ❒ All Advertisers in greeting CArds ❒ 50. Popular Greetings ❒ 08. Stockwell Greetings HandbaGs ❒ All Advertisers in HAndbAgs ❒ 35. Fashion Cents Home/HouseWares electronIc cIGarettes ❒ All Advertisers in ❒ All Advertisers in JeWelrY & accessorIes HoMe/HoUseWAres ❒ 11. Country Club Linens Incense ❒ All Advertisers in inCense ense ❒ 39. L&V Creations ❒ 41. Mystical Moments Pet Products ❒ All Advertisers in pet prodUC UCts ❒ 04. SJT Dog Signs sunGlasses ❒ All Advertisers in sUnglAsses ❒ 30. CTS Sunglasses ❒ 36. PR Sunglasses ❒ 32. Sunny Trading Western accessorIes ❒ All Advertisers in Western ACCessories ❒ 48. Western Express For Quick Response: Fax: 631-754-0630 • On-Line: Mail: Forum Publishing Co. • 383 E. Main St. • Centerport, NY 11721 Your Name _____________________________________________ Type of Business ____________________________________ Company Name _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ City ____________________________________________________State _____________________ Zip ______________________ E-Mail: _________________________________________________Tel _______________________ Fax ______________________