procedures can be run in parallel, the most extended procedure is considered. The value for each country is proportionate to the maximum length of the establishment procedure among all the states and then scaled to 6. 8. Publication of decisions This indicator assesses the transparency of the establishment process, taking into account the accessibility of the competent authority’s decision to the public, i.e., whether they are published online or in the local press. CHARACTERISTIC No decisions are publicly available SCORE 6 points Decisions are available only upon request 4.5 points Only positive decisions are publicly available 3 points Both positive and negative decisions are publicly available 0 points 4.1.2. INDICATORS FOR THE OPERATION AND COMPETITION PILLAR 1. Shop opening hours The indicator distinguishes between weekly and Sunday /public holidays opening hours. CHARACTERISTIC Weekly opening hours are regulated SCORE 6 points Weekly opening hours are not regulated 0 points To consider different sub-scenarios of “Sunday/public holidays opening hours” a more sophisticated scoring method has been utilised. CHARACTERISTIC Sunday trading is not allowed SCORE 6 points Shops can open on a limited number of Sundays per year The assigned points range from 4.25 to 5 depending on the number of Sundays per year when shops are allowed to open: Some shops are allowed to open on Sundays (e.g., up to a certain size or selling particular assortment); or all shops are allowed to open, but for a limited number of hours; or shops in certain parts of the country and major cities benefit from a more flexible regime than others (due to a different regime for tourist areas or municipal regulation) 28 • 0-5 Sundays: 5 points • 6-10 Sundays: 4.75 points • 11-15 Sundays: 4.5 points • >15 Sundays: 4.25 points 3 points