3. Requirements for economic data The assessment is based on the presence of regulatory requirements to provide economic data in the framework of an authorisation procedure. CHARACTERISTIC Economic data is required SCORE 6 points Economic data is not required 0 points 4. Level of detail in spatial plans The assessment distinguishes 4 situations, to each of which a value is assigned the following pattern. CHARACTERISTIC Plans refer to types of products that can be sold SCORE 6 points Plans refer to types of shops that can be established, e.g. food or non-food 4.5 points Plans refer to “retail use” or distinguish areas designated for larger outlets 3 points Plans refer to “commercial use” 0 points 5. Number of permits The assessment is based on the number of permits required in an authorisation procedure. The analysis is limited to 4 permits most frequently required, i.e., the planning permit, the building permit, the environmental permit and the special retail authorisation. It also takes into account the existence of all-in- one processes. CHARACTERISTIC a planning permit is required in legislation SCORE 1 point a building permit is required in legislation 1 point an environmental permit is required in legislation 1 point a special retail authorisation is required in legislation 1 point Any other specific permit required 1 point all-in-one process (covering any of the permits taken into account in the analysis) 1 point The maximum number of permits is 4. The all-in-one process is not counted as an additional permit but as an alternative procedure. Then the number of points obtained (maximum 4) is scaled to 6 points. 6. Number of administrative entities contacted The assessment is based on the number of entities that the applicant needs to contact in an authorisation procedure. It also takes into account the existence of one-stop-shops. For each entity that needs to be contacted 1 point is assigned to the total score. The country with the maximum number of entities identified obtains the maximum value, and then the other countries receive a proportionate amount of points, based on the number of entities observed. 7. Length of procedure The current indicator is related to the duration of specific procedures enshrined in the regulations. The period is accumulated in cases when the process steps are sequential. In instances where specific 27