Retail Banking Forum 2017 15th Annual Retail Banking Forum | Page 4

DAY 1 10 th October 2017 “It has been a very inspiring day: views from different angles and very open debates; it's quite interesting to have so many people with different views because we don't all share the same ideas. I found it quite interesting and inspiring.” Benoit Legrand, ING, Head of FinTech 8:20 Registration and coffee 9:00 Welcoming note from Fleming. 9:10 conference application introduction 9:20 Opening remarks from the event chair 9:30 CEO Debate: Shaping the Future of Retail Banking There are several challenges for CEOs to consider as they seek to drive innovation and growth in the current environment • Responding to regulatory challenges • Removing friction from the customer journey • Increased use of Big Data, AI, Open APIs and Advanced Analytics • Partnerships between banking and FinTech • Emergence of new challenger banks • Investments in innovation 10:10 KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Reinventing the Retail Banking Business Model 10:40 Morning coffee and networking 11:15 Out of the Industry Session Get inspired by Non-banking players to speed up the process of innovation to grow your business 11:50 KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Harnessing Fintech Innovation in Retail Banking 12:20 Regulation Debate: Turning PSD2 into Digital Opportunity • The opportunity for value creation • The business risk presented by PSD2 • New ideas for value-added services • Business and technical components • Impact across the payment value chain • Differentiation and new sources of revenue 12:55 Luncheon tel.: +421 257 272 185 email: [email protected]