TRAP_Winter2016.qxp_The Retail Appointment 27/10/2016 12:07 Page 11
appointments careers openings positions situations
E-Commerce is an exciting and fast-paced department within EAST. The team are responsible
for the website and manage all online host stores showcasing the brand. They are
tasked with looking after every detail that imSDFWVWUDGLQJDQGUHÁHFWLQJDFRQVLVWHQWEUDQG
experience through all online channels. This
includes areas such as product management,
visual merchandising, graphic design, data
analysis and customer service.
The team are committed to constantly improYLQJ WKH ZHEVLWH DQG GHOLYHULQJ DQ HIÀFLHQW
service that is in line with the high standards
translated across the EAST brand. They are innovative, enthusiastic, have strong technical skills
and can react quickly to install changes that will
drive sales growth.
The ideal candidate will have a minimum of
three years in a similar ecommerce role. Excellent understanding of the technical aspects of
web development including Google Analytics is
also a must, as is a strong commercial acumen
and extensive knowledge of the drivers of online engagement.
In return, you will be working in an amazing environment with ample space to grow and develop both yourself and the brand’s website and
have a real impact on the strategy.
our recruitment consultant Ruth Oakland on 020 7432 8862 or
email your CV and covering letter to her at ruth.oakland@rhr., quoting reference number 050792.
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