Resources Newsletter
Resources Newsletter
Página 9
Government defends sustainable development
Uruguay ' s government defended environmentally sustainable mining development . " We have significant mineral deposits and , in turn , the technology itself has generated mineral extraction has an economic return . What you should do is to understand what is the best way to develop a responsible manner , " said Secretary of the Presidency pro , Diego Canepa .
He also stressed that the government considers on mining of large size , requires knowledge of countries that have experience , like Norway , Chile , Argentina , Australia and the United States and added that the government is bound to work to find better instruments and policies public and implement a " responsible mining " with industrial development .
" We have no way to exploit intelligently , sustainably and sustainable over time , the resources available to improve the lives of citizens from both environmentally and economically . It is for us to create the conditions to make the best decisions something that we can not give such as the development of Uruguay , " he said .


Asamblea respaldó acuerdos con China en hidrocarburos y minería
La Asamblea Nacional de Venezuela sancionó una Ley Aprobatoria del Acuerdo de Cooperación en Materia de Hidrocarburos , Petroquímica y Minería con China , que respalda diversos acuerdos suscritos en mayo pasado entre ambos países para cooperación en esas materias .
El Acuerdo abarca las áreas de hidrocarburos , petroquímica minería , y pretende desarrollar proyectos conjuntos en toda la cadena de valor de estas áreas .
En mayo ambos países suscribieron cuatro acuerdos que incluyeron un contrato entre el Banco de Exportaciones e Importaciones de China y Pdvsa para definir el financiamiento de un Terminal Marítimo para la Planta de amoníaco y urea de Pequiven en Morón .
Assembly endorsed agreements with China in hydrocarbons and mining
Venezuela ' s National Assembly passed a law approving the
Foto : minci . gov . ve Agreement of Cooperation in Oil , Petrochemical and Mining with China , which supports various agreements signed last May between the two countries for cooperation in these areas .
The agreement covers the areas of hydrocarbons , mining , petrochemical , and aims to develop joint projects in the entire value chain of these areas .
In May the two countries signed four agreements including a contract between the Export-Import Bank of China and PDVSA to define the financing of a marine terminal for ammonia and urea plant in Morón Pequiven .