Resources Newsletter
Resources Newsletter
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Inversiones extranjeras
Pese al enfriamiento económico mundial en los primeros meses del año , el cual generalmente tiende a frenar las inversiones foráneas en los diversos sectores económicos , en la minería se ha visto lo contrario , ya que las inversiones sumaron 147.2 millones de dólares en enero-marzo de 2013 , revirtiendo la salida de 118.4 millones de dólares en igual periodo de un año previo , esto de acuerdo con cifras de la Secretaría de Economía . Del total de Inversión Extranjera Directa realizada en el primer trimestre , un monto de 116.9 millones de dólares se orientó a la minería de minerales metálicos y 30.3 millones se canalizó al sector de servicios relacionados con la minería . La proyección de inversiones para este año --previa a la actual etapa de volatilidad-- por parte de las autoridades para la minería fue de 8,000 millones de dólares . Asimismo , las empresas mineras consideran que las inversiones en el sexenio podrían ascender a 26,000 millones de dólares . ———————————————————
Mining affected by volatility in metal prices Text taken from El Financiero .
The lower external demand , volatility in international prices of metals , as well as lower domestic economic growth are factors that have come together to contract production in 10 of the 12 major metals and minerals produced in Mexico .
In the period from January to April this year , the index of physical volume of mining production fell 2.7 %, this negative trend is contrary to the growth of 4.2 % in the same period of 2012 , this according to figures from the National Institute Statistics and Geography ( INEGI ).
The 10 products in which they reported a reduction in annual production during the referred period , were : the cast with a fall of 17.8 % per year , a decrease of sulfur 14.5 % zinc with a reduction of 11.5 % gold with 7.7 %, lead with 7.6 , in non-coking coal was 2.3 % less production and 1.5 % in the coke , in copper showed a 0.8 % drop in silver and the decline was 0.6 % per year .
Only the production of iron pellets and fluorite showed growth in production volume , with 4.2 and 4.9 %, respectively .
In Precious Metals falls were observed in the main producing states , in Sonora , the low was 2.4 $, 2.8 % in Chihuahua , in Zacatecas and Durango 11.9 % decline was 9.6 % per year to April this year .
As for silver production fell 21.6 % this year to April this year in Zacatecas , Chihuahua fell 12.7 % and 3.3 % in Sonora , while it increased 2.8 % in Durango .
Trade surplus falls 33.7 %
The fall in production was a result of lower external demand and falling international prices , as exports minerometalúrgicas showed a 17.1 % reduction in value on average in the period January-April 2013 compared to the same period in 2012 , going from $ 5.921 million to $ 4.906 million in that period , according to figures from the Bank of Mexico .
After a decline of 2.2 % in exports in January-December minerometalúrgicas 2012 , the fall in exports has worsened this year due to high volatility in the prices of metals , such as gold , which currently shows its lowest in three years to trading on at least an ounce 1,80.7 and a maximum of $ 1.212 , this by June 28 this year , which is equivalent to a crash near 27 % so far this year .
Silver , meanwhile , has a price 37.5 % lower than the year before , according to the New York market , and copper shows a decrease of 15 %.