Resonate 42 | Page 5

KimLean faithfully serves in our team with his wife , Catherine ( Cate ).
They journey alongside Khmer men and women , living life together and sharing about the Prince of Peace .
Every week I meet together with a group of seven Khmer men . We share rice and life together - the happy , the sad and the hard .
Of this group , some are followers of our God of Peace and are continuing to mature and deepen in their faith . One of the men is a follower too , but still young in his faith and trying to work out his own faith and not the faith of other people .
The others are on a journey towards Jesus and have many questions . They are seeking to understand their own identity , their goals , whether there is a God , and if there is … what does that mean for them as Khmer people ?
Each week we come together to build our relationship , eat together , share life stories , pray and be active . We read God ’ s Word and discuss how we understand it , and what it means for our daily lives and relationships .
Each of these men has stories of hurt and broken trust . When we come together , we take time to talk , laugh , cry , sing , open our hearts , share our life experiences , our emotions , and to seek one other ’ s encouragement and wisdom .
As people , we need one another . We need safe communities where we can be vulnerable . We are a creation of the Maker ’ s hands . We need to be seeking Him , and to be learning and growing together so that we can thrive and share with our families and neighbours .
A guiding passage for Cate and me in our ministry is :
“ So here ’ s what I want you to do , God helping you : Take your everyday , ordinary life — your sleeping , eating , going-to-work , and walking-around life — and place it before God as an offering . Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him . Don ’ t become so welladjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking . Instead , fix your attention on God . You ’ ll be changed from the inside out .” Romans 12:1-2 ( The Message )
Please pray for our group as we share together . Pray that we will continue to journey towards Jesus and to grow more deeply in relationship with Him .
Find out more and partner with our team and ministry in Cambodia :
www . baptistmissionaustralia . org / Cambodia