The project provides opportunity to build relationships with parents - to build a support network and a community where it is safe to share the joys and hardships of life with a child with special needs .
And by providing a platform of understanding , acceptance and care our vision is to also share about God ’ s love , acceptance and care for all .
Nikki ’ s Story
Nikki is a seven year old girl . Her mum is a seller at the local market one of our Khmer colleagues , Maria shops at . Since opening Pheasa Duongchet , Nikki and her mum have been very regular attendees . When we first met her , Nikki was unable to speak using words but could make some sounds . She would enthusiastically point to everything , showing others what she was interested in . Nikki loves people and is always wanting to connect with everyone .
When she started coming to the clinic a year ago , she used some gestures to communicate , however these gestures did not have a clear and consistent meaning and were often difficult to interpret . She was trying to communicate but didn ’ t know how . Her mother was shy and unsure about how she should interact with us .
After six months , Nikki had made good progress ! She learnt to use some pictures and Khmer sign language to reliably communicate what she was thinking .
She preferred to use sign language , however her limited finger strength and movement , made this more challenging for her .
She kept persevering and worked hard to improve the ways she could move and shape her fingers so that she can now sign more accurately .
Nikki ’ s mum grew in confidence as well ! She now interacts with Nikki in ways that are helping develop her daughter ’ s communication skills , she confidently models signs to her and she talks more to her about what they are doing together throughout the day .
Once when Maria was at the local market , she overheard a group of women talking about Nikki . They were saying how they could see the progress she was making . It is fantastic to hear that people in Nikki ’ s community are noticing the gains she is making .
This is our main project goal - that the children ( and their families ) are able to participate more in their own communities .
Nikki and her mother have now attended regularly for more than a year . Nikki continues to improve her communication using Khmer sign language and refine her fine motor skills . She has worked hard to make new verbal sounds and is now able to use a few clear spoken words .
It is a blessing to be able to walk alongside the families that are part of the ‘ Language of the Heart ’ community . Please be praying for our team and local colleagues as we demonstrate and share God ’ s love with Khmer families .