Since 2012 Gary and Shirley have invested in the training of local faith leaders in India , Zambia and Malawi . In
2021 , they moved to Malawi to serve full-time at a theological seminary .
A day in our life ...
Gary and Shirley take us through a typical day in their life serving at the Baptist Theological Seminary of Malawi .
5am We are woken by the call to prayer from the local mosque .
6am Exercise ! We walk down the noisy , dusty , busy path alongside the main road where we are greeted by a growing array of new and old friends in the community who encourage ( and correct !) us as we practise our Chichewa ( the local language ). Pang ’ ono , pang ’ ono ( little by little ) we are getting to know more about our new friends .
7am Breakfast , shower . Maybe chat with our adult children in Australia as they drive home from work .
7:30am Chapel commences with worship followed by a short sermon from a student or staff member . Today Gary is sharing from Ecclesiastes 4 .
8am Lectures commence – Communication for Shirley and Old Testament for Gary . If we are not teaching , then we ’ ll be marking or preparing lessons .
12pm Lunch . Unlike our students whose meals are prepared from scratch and cooked over a fire , we opt for sandwiches .
1:30pm More lectures . It ’ s the hottest part of the day . With little electricity and no air conditioning , teaching ( and learning ) in the afternoon is hard work . Despite our best efforts students often nod off in the oppressive heat .
4:30 Walk the dogs around the campus in the cooler afternoon . Time to chat with students having a short break – a reminder that life on campus is also about community , pastoral care and relationships . This all takes time .
6pm Dusk – time to head inside away from the mozzies and prepare dinner .
7:30pm Chat about the day , spend time in prayer and revise our Chichewa . If the electricity and internet are working then there ’ s time for TV .
9pm Read an e-book or catch up on the news before zzz .