Resonate 40 | Page 4

We embrace the Cipula Camwenye Project . It is a locally-led initiative that empowers believers to fund their own projects , their own ministries and create businesses that actually work .
The Cipula Camwenye Project has finished phase one of constructing a community centre and a locally run Nursery School has moved in .
We are excited about what this centre will create in the local community . We are looking towards phase two , setting up a coffee shop .
Today , Tim is up the mountain with a group of ten believers having a prayer day . They are asking God to give them direction for the year ahead , planning for the faith community and encouraging each other with accountability and honesty .
Please pray for this group of leaders and the faith communities they work in .
It ’ s wonderful to share this update with you . Thank you for your faithful partnership with this ministry over so many years .
God ’ s Word changes hearts
I ( Tim ) was out in a village with one of the faith communities . My mate Waindi , one of the local leaders ( pictured pg 2 ), was teaching from Matthew 5 . He was talking about being angry .
Waindi was sharing from the passage that if you bear a grudge against your neighbour , it will cause problems when you come before God . And right then and there , the village chief stood up and said , “ Baba stop there .” Then he pointed to two women and said , “ See these two sisters , they have been fighting for years and they need to do something after this teaching .”
And then it just erupted ! One of the women was having a shot at her sister , the other woman started talking back . We didn ’ t know where it was going to go ! But in the end there was repentance , confession and an exchange of apologies .
What we witnessed was God ’ s Word being heard by someone and it cutting so deep that it changed their heart . And that ’ s now one of the testimonies of that village - that grudges that are carried for years can be changed , because God ’ s Word changes people ’ s hearts .
Want to get involved ?
There are opportunities to support the team and the locally-led initiative through short-term placements .
Contact the Baptist Mission Australia team to see how you can join with what God is doing in Malawi .