Ministry Spotlight :
Outback Australia
Kalkarindji Lajamanu
Willowra Yuendumu
Ali Curung
Alice Springs
The Context
The Outback Team operates in the Tanami Desert region of the Northern Territory , north-west of Alice Springs . Our team works in partnership with a number of churches in remote communities in this area , especially among the Warlpiri and Gurindji people .
Connection with country , maintaining traditional cultural rituals and dealing with the difficulties of remote area living are some of the challenges facing these communities . While relationship , family , honouring tradition , and love for country are key values .
Challenges in this context also include access to adequate healthcare , social dislocation and the need for local empowerment .
Yet God is at work in this challenging setting . Partnering with followers of Christ in these communities , we seek to support them as they develop authentic expressions of Christian faith , critically contextualising Biblical discipleship into distinctively Aboriginal modes of expression .
Some of our team ’ s key priorities are developing new leaders and discipling believers .
Prayer and Praise
Pray for the team : Shannon and Mat ( Elizabeth , Peter , Caleb and Samuel ), Vivian , and Beth and Danny
Pray that God will raise up new full-time members of the team , especially to be placed at Yuendumu
Pray that a new generation of First Nations leaders will be identified , raised up and discipled well in Jesus
Give thanks for faithful partners who support the team
Give thanks that the leadership training Bush Camps have started up again and pray for the training events planned for 2023