Resonate 40 | Page 13

Ben | Silk Road Area
Sometimes being led by the Holy Spirit is easy . Prayers are obviously answered . A call is clearly discerned . This was the case in how my family ended up in the Silk Road Area .
Sometimes though it is really hard ! This has been my experience recently . It was clear that the Holy Spirit was leading my family to change location from the village we had lived in for five years to the city . It was clear that doors were opening for my wife , Petra , to be involved in a ministry she has a heart for . But what about me ?
In this season , I ’ m not sure what I ’ m meant to be doing . However , I am confident that God has a plan for my family , myself included ! I know that the Holy Spirit has led us to this place and so I ’ m waiting ; anxiously sometimes , prayerfully often , and trusting that in His time , I will know what ministry to step into next .
Bob | Brisbane
I have literally heard God ’ s voice twice : both times as a teenager making important decisions which would significantly alter the direction of my life . God ’ s words were simple , clear and reassuring , “ Just trust me ”.
God ’ s Spirit has not always led in such dramatic ways , but His direction has been just as clear . When my wife , Leanne , and I committed our lives to Christian vocation , Psalm 37 became a firm anchor . We have sought to be faithful to God ’ s word ( v 3-4 ) and committed our lives to Him in prayer ( v 5 ). We found that having peace about the future has directed and influenced our decisions and confirmed His leading ( v 23 ).
Ways have opened before us to serve God in diverse places and among very special people ( v 7 ). At times life has not always been easy ( v 24 ), but we have learned about Jesus ( v 30-31 ), experienced great friendships , witnessed wonderful miracles , and seen God move in people ’ s lives across the world ( v 34 ).
Joy | South East Asia
Part of our journey of call came through a Global Exposure trip . Pat and I saw the intercultural team being ordinary people living ordinary lives , yet intentionally for Him .
We recognise our need to ask for God ’ s Spirit ’ s leading to live intentionally everyday here . To be open , to see the people and places He is at work and respond to how He is inviting us to partner with Him . Moving to South East Asia with a different language and culture has been humbling , and we are grateful for the way His Spirit prepares and leads us in our interactions .
As we step out and engage with local friends , we are humbled by the sense that we do not yet have the words to fully express ourselves in a meaningful way . So , in our conversations and everyday interactions , we seek His leading and know that He is working in His way .
There are many distractions . Many of them that are good , yet compete for our attention and can take us in directions God isn ’ t leading . We set aside time each morning to spend with Him and seek His guidance for the day .