Resonate 38 | Page 9

Q : What does mission look like to you ?

“ Mission to me looks like loving my neighbour . Not only my real next-door neighbour , but also those I meet at the shops , people I work with , local community , family and friends . It looks like asking questions and having the time to listen to their replies .”
Allira , 20 ( University student )
“ On the basketball court , I try to be a difference by building relationships with my team and helping them see how God has changed my life .”
Tarquin , 14 ( High School student )
“ Currently I spend every weekday at University with the same group of people , none of whom are following Jesus ( yet ). Mission currently looks like being intentional with the people that God has placed in my life . Intentionally praying for them , building deeper relationships , taking the time to hear their stories , and weaving the Gospel into conversations .”
Ashlee , 23 ( University student )
“ It looks like meeting people where they are at , in that moment . Accepting and loving people , as they are . No matter what – whether they are laughing , crying , or taking their frustration out on you .”
Maigen , 25 ( Generations Pastor )
“ Sharing our love with others , telling people about the good news of Jesus and telling them how great our God is by sharing our experiences .”
Diana , 24 ( University student )
“ Mission to me is about the world we live in daily and being Jesus for others to see . It is about being the love in the world that we know Jesus has for us and everyone else . We have a responsibility to be different in a good way and be a living example of Jesus ’ love .
Callum , 29 ( Primary School Teacher )