Resonate 38 | Page 8

When it comes to young people and mission , our time is now .

Next generations now

When it comes to young people and mission , our time is now .

Sulari Nielsen is passionate about journeying with young people as they explore how
God is growing , shaping and leading them .
What does mission look like to you ? That ’ s the question I asked a group of wonderful , inspiring young people , and it ’ s an important question for us all to answer . What does mission mean for you in this season ? Are your heart strings tugging for people around the world , or in your direct neighbourhood ? How are you sharing Jesus in your everyday ?
Working for Global Interaction has opened my eyes to the ways we can learn from those who are serving globally as we engage with our community locally .
It has also given me the incredible opportunity to connect with young people and hear their stories , questions , struggles and hopes . Our young people are not only our future , they are our present as well .
I have just finished up my role as Next Generation Specialist at Global Interaction , but if I could say one thing to Australian churches ( and parents ), it would be this : Listen to your young people , invest in their formation and value what they can do now .
Oh , and model mission well !
I want to be a faithful witness and live a life that shows Jesus in who I am and what I do . For me , this looks like intentionally engaging with my actual neighbours , connecting with the other school parents , mentoring young adults and being attentive to where God is already at work in those around me .
What does it look like for you ?