It ’ s not so different
We know context matters , but is mission really so different if we are here or there ?
Ben and Petra are passionate about journeying with K people as they explore who Jesus is and what that means in their context . They have served in the Silk Road Area since 2016 .
Growing up in churches in Australia , I had a very distinct understanding of what intercultural workers did . They went to far off lands , loudly and proudly proclaiming the kingship of Jesus , while also introducing people to principles of justice and mercy . Pioneers like Hudson Taylor and Amy Carmichael were the basis for this .
While I could rejoice in all they achieved for God , it also felt a little bit unattainable to be a part of that kind of work . The reality though , is that we are all able to be involved in God ’ s mission . In fact I would say that we are all called to be a part of it , whether it ’ s in Mozambique , the Silk Road Area or Australia .
Here are three foundational principles we ’ ve learnt that are applicable in whichever context you ’ re in too .
1 . It ’ s God ’ s Mission
As Christopher Wright puts it , “ Mission is not ours ; mission is God ’ s .” With this in mind , we remember that God is already at work in the places we find ourselves . One of the joys that our team has experienced recently has been a group of local K believers contacting us .
Our teammates David and Eliza have been invited to journey with this group in different ways . It is so encouraging for us all to know that there are local people here who are pursuing Jesus and seeking to get to know Him more . The Spirit has clearly been at work in this place .
There are also more subtle indications of God being at work in our community too . These are sometimes little comments that our friends make that indicate they are searching for God .
The challenge for us is to recognise where God is at work , and then to proactively partner with Him . To ask the hard questions that need asking . Where can you see God at work in your community ?
2 . It has to be Wholistic
We recognise that proclaiming the good news of the risen Jesus occurs in more than words . It includes our actions too .
As an Occupational Therapist , Petra has been able to use her skills to work with people who live with disability in our local community . These are people who are often rejected or ignored by their community . By coming alongside them , showing them they have value , Petra is able to demonstrate the love of God .
We see this in Australia as well when followers of Jesus provide breakfast to students who come to school hungry , teach English to Asylum Seekers or demonstrate the value they place on a person by committing to a weekly surfing catch up . Mission is more than just words . It ’ s living out what it means to be a citizen of a different Kingdom .
3 . It Takes Time
In an age where we like instant gratification , one of the most important principles for us to remember is that evangelism takes time .
Mrs K has been a friend of our team for many , many years . She can tell us all of the idiosyncrasies of the different Australians who have lived in our town , all of whom sought to introduce her to Jesus .
After about 10 years of this faithful witness she started to take steps towards Him .