Resonate 37 | Page 5

How God is taking me from being a police officer to sharing Jesus on the Silk Road .
Mel is preparing to join the Global Interaction team in the Silk Road Area . Hear more of her story and partner with her : www . globalinteraction . org . au / Mel

How God is taking me from being a police officer to sharing Jesus on the Silk Road .

I was an unwitting and oblivious passenger at the beginning of my journey towards long-term intercultural work .
I started following Jesus in late high school , but by then I had decided what my life would look like . I knew what career I would have , where I would live and what my family would look like .
After a few years of following Jesus and a couple of years into what I had chosen as my lifelong career , I started to wrestle with the verse in Luke 9:23 , of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus . What it means to deny myself , take up my cross and follow Him .
As I was wrestling with these questions , I went on a short-term trip with my
local church . God used this trip to open my eyes to His world , and I returned with a nudging from God to look deeper into His heart and story of mission .
I spent time searching the Bible and chatting with pastors , mentors and mission organisations .
What I discovered was that 40 % of the world ’ s population can go from birth to death without hearing the Gospel in a way that makes sense to them .
The reality that billions of people don ’ t know someone who can tell them about the life transforming love of Jesus , broke my heart . And if I didn ’ t go , there were people who would never hear the good news of Jesus .
What started as a fun two-week overseas trip with friends , turned out to be the catalyst for the greatest adventure I could never have dreamed up myself !