Resolutions 2013/2015 (May, 2013) | Page 19

19 •  nvironmental considerations can only fairly be considered on a global basis but E they must form part of any sustainable industrial policy in the future and must include the maximisation of opportunity that the low carbon revolution provides whilst creating a level playing field to deliver security and fair pricing for energy. The structure of “green taxes” must be such so as not to stifle manufacturing growth or export it to parts of the world w \?H?X?^\????^\? ?]??X]HH?\?Z[?X?H[?\??X[??]Y?H?X?[X??X?\?\]Z]H[??XX?H[\?[Y[? ??? ?BA????\?[??H?[???[?H??\??Y[?X?[?[?\???]?X??????[??HR??&\?X[?Y?X?\?[???X????]?]X?[????H?X]?H?]\?H?X[?Y?X?\?[??[?HR?\??X[ ?H?\??[? L?H???X?][????\????\?\?[?H?[[??YX???^K?X?X???Z\??[??]X?X[??[Z?HY?YK\??]HR??YY??????H?\??][?? ? L?? MH?B??