Success, Satisfaction and Scrutiny:
the Resident Engagement Toolkit
Repairs and
Maintenance Panels
(RAMPS) (x three;
one for each of our
operating regions)
zz Between eight and 12 full members
zz Minimum of one and maximum of three
representatives from the region’s Area Panels
zz Remaining places filled by other residents
(including one not named on a tenancy
i.e. not a lead or joint tenant)
zz Minimum of two staff (the respective Regional
Asset Director and Resident Governance
Officer), but on average four depending on
the agenda and who the panel wishes to
invite. Staff are not members, but attend to
facilitate and answer questions.
zz Scrutinise repairs
and maintenance
Strategic board
zz 12 elected members including four residents
zz The Residents’ Council Chair and Vice Chair
attend as observers (they’re not amongst the
four resident members). This means all roles
in the Resident Governance Structure retain
independence from strategic board, but still
have vital communication links
zz Seven staff usually attend.
zz Makes decisions
concerning the
wider strategy and
finances of the