Reserves Opportunities RAF Regiment Reserves Fitness Brochure | Page 7

Regiment Annual Fitness Test ( RAFT-R )
You will then have a short 5 minute break , and will carry out the next part of the test wearing helmet , body armour , webbing , and carrying your rifle . Each activity in this part of the test will be demonstrated .
Part 2 : Fire and Movement
Stage 1 A 30m course will be set out , with markers at 7.5m intervals . In time with a audio track , you will start in the prone position and dash to the next marker and get down . This will be repeated 16 times in total and take 3 minutes and 46 seconds .
Stage 2 You will be in the prone position and on the command to start will leopard-crawl 15m before getting up and sprinting another 15m . This is to be done in no more than 54 seconds ( 45 seconds for every subsequent year of service ).