Research User Group newsletter 2019 RUG newsletter FINAL version 30.10.19 | Page 13

13 IMPLEMENTATION MOVING FORWARD Mandy Parks The Impact Accelerator Unit (IAU) is working alongside the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) to implement the evidence produced from 5 research studies which are part of a document produced by the NIHR called a Themed Review: Moving Forward. This document summarises over 50 research studies which have looked at the role of physiotherapy in musculoskeletal health and wellbeing. The IAU has established a Community of Practice to do this. This group is made up www.movingforward157 of clinicians, academics, clinical commissioners and patients and the public. At the same time, the LINK group has been working to develop a shorter, plain English version of the complete document, to give patients an understanding of how research has influenced the care they can access for their musculoskeletal conditions. Mandy Parks has been working on the project. She said: "I found the experience of the Moving Forward meetings engaging. This is a huge step forward for patients but more so challenging for practice. I feel we have been a valued link on behalf of the patient voice. We have been heard from the start and continue to be valued throughout this journey. Personally I did not realize the passion of some professionals and workers who give so much more than their own roles and are absolutely dedicated for  change. It is exciting to be part of the huge team effort for musculoskeletal health." Highly Commended BACK PAIN LEAFLET The Patient Information leaflet 'So You Have Back Pain?' which was created by RUG and LINK members, knowledge mobilisers, clinicians and academics as part of the IAU's back pain implementation work, has been commended by the British Medical Association in their national Patient Information Awards. LINK member Mandy Parks and IAU Knowledge Broker Laura Campbell attended the awards. The leaflet has also been endorsed by NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence). You can access the leaflet online here: