Research Platforms' Performance Reports SEACO 2015-2017 | Page 5

RESEARCH PROJECTS SEACO Core Projects The Mothers and Infants in SEACO, Segamat Project (MISS P) MISS P provides a mechanism for collaboration, engagement and capacity building with the district nurses and midwives of the Ministry of Health by working with them to identify new births and undertake postnatal visits to new mothers to monitor maternal and infant health. We also work with the nurses to analyse existing data for monthly and annual returns, to enable early identification of patterns in the routine data which might present an early indication of risk factors that need follow-up action. This is an ongoing study that involves 12 clinics and 13 data collectors (10 nurses and three non-nurses) in the five sub-districts. Verbal Autopsy Verbal Autopsy data collection began in earnest with the establishment of several mechanisms for identifying deaths in the community, a qualitative study to identify culturally appropriate strategies to enhance consent and accuracy of data collection and collaboration with the National Institute for Public Health to share best practice in data collection and Analysis. Census Update Round The fourth census update round was undertaken with the development of streamlined processes for both community engagement and data management. 4