Research Platforms' Performance Reports AEP 2015-2017 | Page 4
The Advanced Engineering Platform (AEP) was officially established
at Monash University Malaysia in March 2013, based on the previous
Engineering Research Strengths and Centre of Green Electronics
(founded in August 2011). In these four years, the rapid infrastructure
developments and intensive research programs have elevated AEP
to a much higher level, as evidenced from its high quality and large
volume of papers, publications, commercially valuable intellectual
properties filing, and international awards and recognitions received
by AEP researchers.
In view of the new Monash Research Plan 2016-2018, we believe
that AEP needs to align itself and help the University achieve some
of the goals in this Research Plan, while promoting itself as a Centre
of Excellence for a number of key areas in advanced engineering
research. As such, we have revamped the organisation and research
themes of AEP in 2016. The newly revamped AEP research plan for
2016-2018 aims:
Professor Tey Beng Ti
to establish a focus thematic cluster (theme)
to establish mechanisms for leveraging large national and inter-
national research funds
to support the Monash Research Plan 2016-2018 in attaining its
A two-pronged approach has been implemented to achieve these
aims, and they are:
Sustainable and SMART Living Laboratory & Township (S2L)
Pump Priming Support Scheme (PPS)
AEP has identified ‘Engineering for Sustainable Living’ as its research
focus theme. Our researchers will develop new technologies and
strategies for tomorrow’s energy and water solutions, and research
smart and sustainable solutions and materials to improve healthcare
and human connectivity. AEP has identified the following research
clusters that are important for sustainable living:
Smart Health Cluster
Clean Energy and Portable Water Cluster
Nanotechnology Cluster
Smart Industry, Smart Living Cluster
Each cluster is led by AEP Fellow(s) whom we will appoint over a
three-year period. It is expected that these Fellows will provide the vi-
sion and stewardship for the respective theme, while working togeth-
er to create a cohesive critical mass for AEP to apply for HiCoE in
future. Each leader will receive funding to help them steer the theme.
The Fellows, together with the Director and Deputy Director, will form
the steering group of AEP.