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The report is structured as follows :
Section 1 : Market context - digital services growth drivers and trends . This section provides a highlevel overview of the growth drivers of digital services and the impact of the rise of digital brands on the traditional telecom service provider model .
Section 2 : Lessons in digital prowess - GAFA strategies . Here we examine the market approach and strategies of four leading digital companies - Google , Amazon , Facebook and Apple - with a special focus on their key business values and success factors .
Section 3 : Case studies - Telco approaches to digital transformation . We continue with a review of the strategies and programs that leading telecom companies ATandT , China Telecom , Orange and Verizon are putting in place to create profitable growth amidst the business disruption brought about by successful digital service providers . .
Section 4 : Key findings and recommendations . We conclude the report with a set of key findings on the core values and success factors of digital leaders , and strategy recommendations for telecom services providers .
Reasons To Buy
‣ “ Telco digital transformation : Lessons from the world ' s most powerful digital companies ” examines best practices of four of the world ' s leading companies to help telecom executives develop effective growth strategies , make informed strategic business decisions and optimize return on investment .
‣ The report provides valuable insights about effective corporate values , innovation programs , organizational strategies and revenue models that can help service providers transform their operational models and profit from the digital opportunity .
‣ The report ' s case studies provide real examples of market approaches and strategies being employed by leading telcos to build revenue opportunities in the digital age , related to their internal organizations , their ecosystem development and revenue creation .
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