RES 320 MASTER Motivated Minds/ RES 320 MASTER Motivated Minds/ | Page 5

A. A commercial source of secondary data. B. One company that produces the National CREST Report. C. A trade association. D. A government source of secondary data. 14 Concerning data distributed by media, researcher should be aware that: A. Data are copyrighted and thus of limited use. B. They generally refer to product flows through retail outlets. C. Data may cover only limited aspects of a topic. D. Government regulations severely limit some forms of data. E. All of the above. 15 When an interviewer’s presence influences a respondent to say he or she does not have cockroaches in his or her home (when he or she does), a social desirability bias has occurred. 16 High-cost, low standardization of questioning and limited geographic dispersion are disadvantages characteristic of ____________ surveys. A. Telephone B. Personal interview C. Mail D. None of the above. 17 The term mystery shopper is a form of scientifically contrived observations.