Republic of 7107 Magazine Issue 1 Volume 3 | Page 21


Sugarleaf Workshops

Photography by Joanne-Marie de la Rama

Here ’ s what attendees of our first workshop had to say ...

“ Hi Ms . Aileen ( our learned , practical & bubbly raw food advocate-speaker ), I did enjoy the workshop and learned so many things from you . I ’ ll definitely join and complete the rest . It ’ s also nice that you ’ re very open and very willing to share a lot of things that people should know . It ’ s really a pleasure to be in your class .”
— Jocelyn Camelo
“ The superfood workshop is worth every centavo I paid . I ’ ve attended raw vegan workshops and realized Sugarleaf ’ s uses ingredients that are locally grown so it makes the recipe cheaper to make . Other workshops requires super expensive ingredients like imported nuts , dried fruits , etc . that makes it unreasonable to make even one recipe . Masyadong mahal ( too expensive )! I also met a lot of uber nice people which makes the workshop uber fun . I say , if anyone out there wants to go the healthy way , still be “ kuripot ” ( pennywise ) and have healthy clean fun , I say enroll in the next workshop right this minute .”
— Joanne Armi Duque , Mina de Oro Sea Salt Farm
“ Last weekend ’ s workshop worked out great , it was so easy to understand that it felt more like tips than a class . It ’ s easy to see that the instructor is teaching based on experience ( may mga tipid tips pa ( there ’ s even saving tips ) in between ) which I loved the most .”
— Mikey Agulto , FHM online
“ My profound thanks . Continue your advocacy for healthy food . You are helping lots of people .”
— Judge Emmanuel Silva , Bataan