Republic of 7107 Magazine Issue 1 Volume 3 | Page 20


Super Foods , Super Workshops for Super Health at Sugarleaf !

Sugarleaf recently hosted raw food advocate Aileen de Guzman ’ s introduction to superfood workshop at its healthy eats restaurantstore along Wilson Street in Greenhills . Individuals , couples and mother-daughter pairs , all eager to discover the wonderful world of superfoods , were not disappointed and were treated to an entire Saturday afternoon learning a lot about these high-nutrient , low-calorie foods and how these can be incorporated practically in daily life .

Photographer , blogger , coffee table book creator Joanne- Marie de la Rama attended and graciously shared her talent and took beautiful photos of the workshop . Matstone , makers of durable fruit and vegetable juicers also made refreshing summer coolers from malunggay ( moringa ), pineapple and lemongrass .
Many more workshops on superfoods as well as other health and wellness topics will be offered throughout the year . Sugarleaf also offers fresh organic produce quality assured by the Organic Certification Council of the Philippines ( OCCP ) and an all-day dining menu fully utilising the produce . A mini-mart and deli of healthy food and non-food items is also available .
Sugarleaf is located at the G / F , Health Cube Building , 226 Wilson Street , West Greenhills in San Juan ( between BDO and Kink Cakes ). Open 8am-7pm Mondays to Saturdays and past 7pm and / or Sundays upon prior notice for small gatherings . Telephone ( 63 2 ) 385 0387 , mobile ( 0917 ) 8374 257 , e-mail : gina @ sugarleafph . com , web www . sugarleafph . com . Follow us on Twitter @ sugarleafph •
Workshop Menu
Our menu for our Raw & Live Superfood Workshop Part I : Almond milk with buckwheaties , Sprouted quinoa tabouleh , Sprouted chickpea hummus , Unfried rice , Chocolate mousse with mango ice cream plus coconut kefir



Healthy Workshops

Three other workshops at P1,500 each are fast filling up but slots are limited . Prior reservations are required for preparation .
16 April 2011 , Saturday , 1pm to 5pm – Raw and living superfood workshop with sprouting & fermenting part I
7 May 2011 , Saturday , 1pm to 5pm – Raw and living superfood workshop with sprouting & fermenting part II
28 May 2011 , Saturday , 1pm to 5pm – Dehydrating workshop
Explore the world of super foods & introduce more live food in your lifestyle . High in nutrition while delighting your taste buds ! Includes detailed notes on bio-nutrition , food preparation tips , yummy samplings of superfoods , live dishes & continuous email of recipes & latest health news . Workshops on Saturdays , 1pm to 5pm & are interactive with demonstrations of multi-course recipes . Come on a not-so-full stomach ... Yes ! Healthy raw super-foods can be filling ! P1,500 per workshop . Senior citizen , couple & student discounts apply . Attend three workshops & attend a fourth for free ! What better gift to give your loved ones ? Visit sugarleafph . com or healthspringph . blogspot . com ; call Sugarleaf ( look for Gina ) on 385 0387 , 0917
837 4257 or directly Aileen on 890 9161 , 0919 212 7190 or email angelo @ sugarleafph . com or healthspringph @ gmail . com .