REPs Magazine Fitness Matters Issue 9 | Page 7

COACH TRAIN EAT WORK CLASSFINDER BOOST   Exercise Movement and Dance UK (EMD UK) launched its new, upgraded Classfinder search engine in September, which is a great platform for group exercise instructors to promote their classes for free. The project was funded by Sport England and is powered by open data, so instructors can opt-in to be shown on a great many other activity finders. There’s over 40,000 classes on there at the moment and instructors are giving feedback that they’re getting more clients and they’re organically recommending the platform to other instructors. The future is open data, so the earlier instructors utilise these platforms the better. You can have a look around the site by going to: CLASSFINDER.ORG.UK 40,000 “ This is a fabulous next step in diabetes prevention.” Dr Jennifer Smith, Public Health England ACTIVITIES ON THE CLASSFINDER SEARCH ENGINE. FITNESS TRACKERS ON THE NHS The NHS Long Term Plan has announced that thousands of people will be given digital support, including fitness trackers, to prevent them from developing Type II diabetes. A pilot scheme showed that engaging people digitally boosted the number of people taking up its Diabetes Prevention Programme (DPP). 68% of people referred to digital fitness schemes took part in them, compared with around half of those who were offered face-to-face support. As a result, up to a fifth of the places on the DPP, around 40,000 a year, will now be delivered digitally. @REPsUK FM 7