Reports Vendor Perception Study | Page 6

2014 ETRM / CTRM Vendor Perception Study Commodity Technology Advisory llc 2. Incomplete responses were also eliminated where the respondent had answered less than 50% of the questions. There were 64 incomplete responses eliminated, 3. Duplicate responses were also eliminated. There were two duplicate responses, 4. Finally, suspicious responses were eliminated. These included those with fictitious email addresses, names or company names or those lacking such data. Some 9 suspicious responses were eliminated. The results presented and discussed in this report were obtained only using the 146 responses that we deemed to be valid and usable. Vendor perceptions are interesting both in terms of how well a vendor is known in the market and as to how it is viewed by those that are aware of it and its products. However, vendor perceptions invariably lag current reality basically representing what a vendor did or was to the end user in the past. This means that it is equally important to look at trends in vendor perception through time. ComTech has done this by utilizing similar historical data collected and discussed by CommodityPoint over the last decade or so and this trend data is also discussed below. As perceptions lag, this report should be viewed as representing vendor perceptions prior to 2014 and anyone looking for an ETRM or CTRM software solution is strongly advised to research the market effectively as things can and do change very rapidly in this software category. Research Demographics We received a total of 234 responses to our survey; however, we eliminated 87 of those responses that were provided by vendor personnel, were incomplete, or were otherwise suspicious. After this reduction, we were left with 146 valid responses (Figure 1). Figure 1: Respondent Locations Ĕ((ܔ((