Reports The Use of Spreadsheets in Commodity Trading | Page 7

The Use of Spreadsheets in Commodity Trading – 2015 7 We spr do no ead t u she se ets er Oth Cu be rrent mo sys expdified tem c ens bu an ive t too to d o Ne info ed to rm b oth ation ring i er s fro n our m ces can Cur not rent be sys mo tem difi ed It’s fas ter an de asi e r Figure 4 | Ranked Reasons to Use Spreadsheets We then asked the respondents what they perceived as being the benefits of using spreadsheets. They were asked to rank the listed benefits on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being “very important” and 1 being “not important at all”. Given the widespread use of spreadsheets, it’s perhaps not surprising that none of the benefits ranked lower than “average” and most were most often noted as “important” and “very important”. As a group, the respondents indicated they felt the most important benefit was the sheer convenience and ease of use of spreadsheets again, followed by the ability to design a spreadsheet exactly how they wanted to (again - convenience and ease of use). The idea that there is a strong trader’s preferences for spreadsheets was also judged to be a factor, while the belief that there was no problem using spreadsheets ranked last at “average”. The lower cost of spreadsheets versus the alternatives was also viewed as having above average importance (Figure 5). We d on’t using see a p spre roblem adsh eets Trea ders anythwont use ing e lse s do wn cost Keep s spre Ic adsh an desig eet ju n a way st the I wan t Figure 5 | Ranking of Spreadsheet Benefits Con venie easy nt and to us e alytical functions such as document management (around 10% of respondents). In fact, the same graph above could also be used as a proxy for maturity of commercial solutions in each functional area. Despite the fact that most of these application areas and business functions are fairly mature in terms of the use of commercially available software applications, the data suggests that many companies still rely on spreadsheets as an important supplemental component of their trading systems landscape. So, do spreadsheets continue to be used so extensively by these individuals and their companies? We offered the respondents a variety of reasons to choose from as to why they might use spreadsheets and we asked them to indicate which they believed were the most important (Figure 4). The results suggest that by far the biggest factor is simply convenience - it is easier and faster to use a spreadsheet. The second most important reason was that while they believed their current application could be modified to provide certain functionality, it was deemed too expensive to do so and a spreadsheet (easier, cheaper and faster) was used instead. Another important reason was the need to bring in data or information from other sources (lack of integration). Only 6% of the respondents indicated they did not utilize spreadsheets at all. Overall, the results show that spreadsheets are seen as more convenient (easier and faster to use) and cheaper to use than the available alternatives. On the other side of the coin, we asked the respondents to rank their views of the potential disadvantages of using spreadsheets. Again, all of the potential disadvantages were ranked as ‘average’ or above, with the lack of an audit trail and concerns regarding errors being ranked as the greatest concerns; followed closely by regulatory and governance issues, and lack of control. Difficulty in testing, lack of concurrent access, report generation and visibility to upper management were the least concerning disadvantages (Figure 6). When we asked the ‘big’ question directly regarding their level of concern over using spreadsheets at their own company, the results were very clear. A vast majority (90% of all respondents) are concerned to some degree about the use of spreadsheets at their company, with over 40% indicating they were very concerned. (Figure 7). © Commodity Technology Advisory LLC, 2015, All Rights Reserved.