Reports The Use of Spreadsheets in Commodity Trading | Page 6

The Use of Spreadsheets in Commodity Trading – 2015 6 Demographics The 50 respondents were located all around the globe with the majority being located in Europe and North America, with a sizable group participating from the Asia-Pacific region (Figure 1). Figure 1 | Geographic Distribution of Responses a third of respondents were from a utility or generator; but, hedge funds, financial institutions, chemical and petrochemical companies, consultants, metals and mining and ags and softs were also quite well represented. We do believe that this cross-section is an appropriate distribution and well reflects the types of entities involved in commodity trading and commodity management globally. Figure 2 | Types of Entities Represented The types of companies responding to the survey represented a balanced distribution of the various types of entities involved in global commodity trading (Figure 2). Around Findings ana gem ent Ope ra Plan tions ning Orig inat ion Sch edu ling Trad eC aptu Trea re sur y /Tra de Fina nce Man Invento age menr y t CRM D Man ocume age n men t t ERP Figure 3 | Types of Solution Used Across Business Functions/Application Areas Risk M The first question asked of the respondents was designed to establish what types of solutions were deployed and used to support a number of broad functional/application areas within their company. The results (Figure 3) show that commercially available vendor-provided solutions were used most often in the ERP, Document Management, CRM, and Inventory Management areas, and least used in Risk Management, Operations Planning, and Origination. However, commercial solutions were also widely used and in each of the functional areas, ranging from 25% in Operations Planning, up to 60% in Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). Custom-built solutions also appear to be reasonably important in the C I4