This dossier covers three periods, the first between 1990 and 1994, the second between 1998 and 2006 and the third from 2010 to 2016. As for the location of the facts, took place in the region of Magdalena Medio, mainly in municipalities in the departments of Santander and BolĂvar. In synthesis, we seek to identify criminality patterns framed in a state terrorism policy and, consequently, the judicialization of those responsible for these crimes.
Criteria for the selection of cases
Following the delimitation of the general parameters of case documentation, the "practical" criteria for the selection of each one of them were identified. Here, the following criteria prevailed:
In general terms this previous selection had two filters; The first carried out by the regional promoters of the corporation, who analyzed the previous criteria for the selection of each case, the second was developed jointly in the team, there was deliberated the viability of each one and was prioritized a Specific group.