“It is undeniable that Colombia's history has been framed in cyclical violence despite the various attempts to stop weapons and demobilize armed groups. However, what is observed is a mutation of the conflict, which raises a change of actors and ideals, but ultimately keep society immersed in an infinite struggle of powers, interests and hatred infused through the passage of time that have only left countless scars in society, which must be transformed into the engine not to faint in the purpose of getting the longed right to live in peace” Alexandra Valencia Molina
The analysis of the dynamics of the armed conflict and its actors, for more than five decades have generated millions of victims; of which are recognized from 1985 to the present 8.650.159 at national level, 183.293 in the Magdalena Medio region and that the municipality of Barrancabermeja is one of the largest recipients and ejectors of victims of the conflict. It makes us understand the need to contribute to the construction of peace from the search for justice and the guarantees of the rights of the victims.
According to the report "That’s enough, already" of the National centre of Historical Memory, 69.2% of the fatal victims of massacres are derived from actions committed by the State, its agents and paramilitary groups. Faced with this, some survivors have denounced for the initiation of the respective investigations, obtaining as a result in the majority of cases; The procrastination in the processes, the file of them, and in general impunity. While others chose to silence their voice for the safeguarding of their security and that of their families in the face of the threats of possible repressions of the perpetrators. We also recognize that the State as an actor of the conflict has all the guarantees for their defense and their agents, contrary to the victims of their actions, who are in conditions of poverty. Conditions that among other things do not allow the hiring of a lawyer of confidence, having to go to the public defender, that although it can have the best intentions, it is collapsed by the number of cases that it must represent.
The documentation of these cases are realized in order to accompany the families in the overcoming of the main affectations generated by the conflict armed in its lives. The first step is its presentation to the Special Jurisdiction for the Peace (JEP) in the search of the recognition of the right of the victims to the integral repair in the frame of the Integral System of Truth, Justice, Repair and not Repetition (SIVJRNR).