Perspective psychosocial took as a basis the approaches of Charny-Lozano, who in his research on the psychological impact and psychosocial of victims of massacres in Colombian Southwest exposes five descriptive elements, previously developed by Sofky. In our case we consider them relevant, therefore, mentioned them below:
• Space: on the dynamics of the massacre must be temporary control of the territory to be able to be executed.
• Time: Usually a surprise attack that executes with the available temporary territory in control, in this way can generate more profound impacts in the communities or populations affected.
• Excessive violence: due to the existence of territorial and temporal control perpetrators have the opportunity to perform cruel and dehumanizing actions.
•Attitude of the perpetrators: because it is a public action and that it tends to be carried out by several perpetrators, these do not have to hide or fight with the distress of social judgment.
•Modality of dispute between armed groups: actors attempt the persuasion to the civilian population through two strategies; the first from the possible gains, the second, from the punishment. In this sense, it seeks the domino emotional and psychological communities. In other words, there is a dispute of actors that are usually designed two types of strategies for the control of the population, the most prevalent being the corresponding punishment. Before this, the previous stigma and temporary control of the territory gives the opportunity to execute acts cruel and dehumanizing public way, without feeling the social judgment for their actions. These events generate effects negative in families, destruction in the roles, and in the community, usually produce rupture of the social fabric, and alter leadership and damage to cultural identity.