Reports, guides, handbooks Policy Handbook 2021-22 | Page 59

2 . Each building principal ( and / or designee ) will be responsible for the security of the surveillance equipment and for the handling of the data as set forth by the District Records Retention Schedule .
3 . Any recorded data will be released only in conformance with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act , Minn . Stat . Ch . 13 and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act , 20 U . S . C . § 1232g and the rules and / or regulations .
Policy on Visitors to Anoka-Hennepin School District Buildings and Sites , No . 903.1
I . PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to inform the school community and the general public of the position of the School Board on visitors to school buildings and other school property and leased sites .
Parents and others are welcome to visit schools . However , for safety reasons , all visitors must report to the school office . This policy outlines procedures for visitors during the school day .
A . The School Board encourages interest on the part of parents and community members in school programs and student activities . The School Board welcomes visits to school buildings and school property by parents and community members , provided the visits are consistent with the health , education , and safety of students and employees and are conducted within the procedures and requirements established by the Anoka-Hennepin School District .
B . The School Board reaffirms its position on the importance of maintaining a school environment that is safe for students and employees and free of activity that may be disruptive to the student learning process or employee working environment .
C . The School Board strives to keep schools a welcoming place for our community to share educational experiences while providing heightened security for students and employees during the instructional day .
III . VISITOR LIMITATIONS A . All visitors to Anoka-Hennepin buildings and sites must register with the administrative office upon arrival and departure . Doors will be locked and visitors will be expected to present identification at the entrance .
B . Visitors to Anoka-Hennepin buildings and sites will receive and must wear a highly visible visitor badge to signify their status and the fact that school administration has authorized their presence in the building .
C . Visitors who wish to meet with or observe teachers should schedule appointments in advance and register with the administrative office upon arrival .
D . If school district personnel or volunteers see a visitor in the building without a visitor badge , they will courteously escort the visitor to the administrative office or immediately notify the administrative office of the presence of the visitor .
E . Pursuant to this policy , an individual or group may be denied permission to visit a school or school site ; or such permission may be revoked if the visitor does not comply with the school district procedures and regulations , or if the presence of the individual or group is not in the best interest of students , employees , or the school district .
F . Pursuant to state statute , an individual who enters school property and does not comply with the policy and its requirements may be charged with criminal trespass and thus may be subject to criminal penalty .
G . Parents / Guardians of students in Adventures Plus before and / or after school will be issued equipment to allow them access into areas used for the program .
H . Post-Secondary Enrollment Options Students : A student enrolled in a post-secondary enrollment options course may remain at the school site during regular school hours in accordance with established building procedures ; and may be provided with reasonable access , during regular school hours , to a computer and other technology resources that the student needs to complete coursework for a post-secondary enrollment course in accordance with established procedures .
Wellness Policy , No . 533.5
I . PURPOSE The Anoka-Hennepin School District is committed to promoting and protecting students ’ health , well-being and ability to learn . Thus , Anoka-Hennepin School District supports healthy eating and healthy physical activity . It strives to provide a healthy
This policy defines guidelines that the district follows to provide healthy food and a healthful environment for students and staff . Also included are guidelines for the contents of vending machines and wellness topics in the curriculum .
school nutrition environment which is conducive to good learning . These efforts also contribute positively to a reduction in childhood obesity and diet related chronic disease . II . GENERAL STATEMENT OF POLICY
By working toward the following goals , Anoka-Hennepin School District supports the evidence based link between health wellness and improved educational outcomes of Anoka-Hennepin School District students .
A . Food and beverages sold or served at school will meet the nutrition recommendations of the U . S . Dietary Guidelines for Americans .
B . Students will have access to a variety of affordable , nutritious , and appealing foods that meet the health and nutrition needs of students ; will accommodate the religious , ethnic , and cultural diversity of the student body in meal planning ; and will provide clean , safe and pleasant settings with adequate time for students to eat . School stores and snack vending machines will offer snacks that follow the same state and federal regulations as the Child Nutrition Program for nutrient content .
C . To the maximum extent practicable , all schools will participate in available federal school meal programs ( including the School Breakfast Program , National School Lunch Program [ including after-school snacks ], Summer Food Service Program , Fruit and Vegetable Snack Program , and Child and Adult Care Food Program [ including suppers ]).
D . Schools will provide nutrition promotion , nutrition education and physical education to foster lifelong habits of healthy eating and physical activity . Schools will establish connections between health education , school meal programs and related community services .
E . All students will have opportunities , support and encouragement to be physically active on a regular basis .
F . Each school will have a School Health , Wellness and Safety Committee . The committee will assist the district Health , Wellness and Safety Committee in meeting the implementing ,
2021-22 School Handbook ahschools . us / policies 57