Reports, guides, handbooks Policy Handbook 2021-22 | Page 58

Electronic Transmission of Educational Data
When records containing educational records or private data are transmitted electronically , either by using email or an FTP site , staff are expected to protect the privacy of the data by password protecting the record or file . Staff are also expected to ensure records are sent only to individuals with a right to said records .
Telecommunications System The district maintains a telecommunications system that has these features / capabilities :
• A phone in every classroom . To ensure our students are not interrupted during class time , this phone is accessed from within the district system only . Callers from outside the district cannot dial the classroom directly .
• Teachers / staff who do not have actual office space are assigned “ phantom ” phone numbers that can be programmed to ring any phone in the district . To ensure students are not interrupted during learning time , staff with phantom numbers should program their phone number to ring in the classroom only during non-student-contact times , such as a prep hour or before / after school is in session .
• Voice mail box for all staff members .
Staff are required to :
• Check voice mail daily .
• Return calls within 2 working days .
• Delete messages after listening to them .
• Record a greeting that includes , “ If you need immediate assistance , please press zero .” This is mandatory because that “ zero out ” also directs 911 calls to the office in an emergency situation .
• Record your name to ensure callers know that they have reached the correct voice mail box .
Use of Automated Calling System :
• Only the superintendent or a designee are authorized to make all-District calls .
• Only principals are authorized to make all-school calls except in emergency situations .
• Messages to specific groups within a school must be authorized by the principal .
• Overuse of the automated calling system ( more than once a week ) should be avoided except when needed for emergency messages .
• Messages related to district closure , including cancelation of after-school activities , or emergency situations must be authorized through the Communications and Public Relations Department to ensure a consistent message is being sent .
ENERGY MANAGEMENT The District strives to reduce our environmental footprint by pursuing energy conservation efforts and practices . Staff and students attend instructional sessions regarding energy conservation best practices . These guidelines are in place with regards to computers and monitors :
• All computers are to be powered off at the end of the day .
• Power management features are enabled on each computer .
• Adoption : Committee , Superintendent , School Board
• Distribution : On paper and via the District website to staff ; to students and parents / guardians in the Elementary Handbook and Secondary Handbook and on the district website ; electronically on the district Internet Information Server .
• Revision : The Technology Steering Committee will periodically review and maintain these guidelines . Requests for guideline amendments should be forwarded to the Chief Technology and Information Officer for consideration by the committee .
Video Surveillance on School Grounds and in School Buildings , No . 712.0
I . PURPOSE Maintaining the health , welfare , and safety of students , staff and visitors while on school district property as well as the protection of school district property are important functions of the school district . The School Board recognizes that video / electronic surveillance systems may serve as a deterrent of prohibited activity and assist with monitoring and investigating activity on school property . II . GENERAL STATEMENT OF POLICY
A . Placement
1 . School district building and grounds may be equipped with video cameras . It is commonplace to locate video surveillance equipment at the entrance to schools .
2 . If school district buildings and grounds are equipped with video surveillance , a conspicuous notice will be posted to notify students , staff and the public that they may be recorded .
3 . Video surveillance may occur in any school district building or on any school district property .
4 . Video surveillance may occur in any school bus under contractual agreement with bus companies .
5 . Video surveillance will not be used in bathrooms or locker rooms , although surveillance may occur in hallways in the vicinity of bathrooms or locker rooms .
B . Use of Stored Surveillance Data . 1 . Surveillance data will be viewed only by the appropriate school building administrator ( and / or designee ). The data will be used by the building principal to assist in determining whether or not an incident actually occurred , and if so , the severity of the incident . Information obtained from the data that reveal unlawful actions may be brought to the attention of the school police liaison officer and / or law enforcement agencies . The parent / guardian of the student , as well as the student that has been observed and recorded , will be allowed to view the data in accordance with data privacy laws and the Protection and Privacy of Pupil Records policy . Upon written request , the school district will provide a written summary of the recorded incident ( s ) to a student pictured on the data or the student ’ s parent / guardians .
56 ahschools . us / policies 2021-22 School Handbook