Reports Disruptive Technologies in Commodity Trading | Page 23
Disruptive Technologies in Commodity Trading Markets
A ComTechAdvisory Report
Against the backdrop of massive change and uncertainty, new technologies stand to both dis-
rupt current business processes and industry structures as well as open up new and possibly
hitherto unthought-of opportunities in the commodities industry. Plainly, cloud, SaaS and big
data are currently having the greatest impact and attracting the most investment…but ML and
AI are also important areas of significant interest that are already poised to have huge impacts.
Meanwhile, and perhaps reminiscent of the dot com bubble, blockchain is garnering most of
the headlines, but appears to be still some way off in terms of delivering the much anticipated,
and hyped, benefits.
The survey does suggest that it is areas like data
management, Big Data, ML and AI, and data visual-
ization that will see the most immediate deployment
and investment (assuming the move to the cloud has
already been largely made) in the near-term, with
blockchain taking a little more time to mature. None-
theless, based on the sum of our survey, it does seem
that blockchain has the potential to be the most dis-
ruptive technologies in the future even though, de-
spite a flurry of initial investment in the area, enthusi-
asm may be slowly dampening for certain use cases
such as peer-to-peer trading.
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