Reports Disruptive Technologies in Commodity Trading | Page 22

Disruptive Technologies in Commodity Trading Markets A ComTechAdvisory Report Other Disruptive Technologies Other disruptive technologies have to some extent been commented on previously, including augment- ed/virtual reality for data visualization, quantum com- puting for faster processing, use of drones to capture imagery and so on. Once in production, solutions based on what are currently viewed as disruptive technologies will likely utilize a combination of sever- al of these new technologies…such as ML and AI for management and analyzing big data resources and visualization devices to better make sense of the re- sults. Finally, looking at how companies may better inte- grate these technologies into their infrastructures, the survey asked if the respondent’s firms were avail- ing themselves of new development methodologies and approaches in an attempt to speed up delivery, reduce risk and adopt new technologies. Around 80% of all respondents are using agile development approaches and almost 60% have adopted contin- uous improvement techniques. However, only 30% said they were using multi-disciplinary teams (Figure 8). Figure 8: Are you or your Clients Using Rapid Application Developments Techniques? 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Agile development Continuous Improvement © Commodity Technology Advisory LLC, 2018, All Rights Reserved. Multidisciplinary teams 22