Reports Disruptive Technologies in Commodity Trading | Page 19
Disruptive Technologies in Commodity Trading Markets
including Alpiq, Eon, Total, RWE and many others.
Developed by Ponton, its focus is on power and
gas spot and forward markets in any European de-
livery zone. The proof of Concept ended in March
2018 10 and the initiative is now in the process of
forming a legal entity and agreeing on a set of con-
tracts between participants.
• Arkratos - a Singapore company linked to trading
house Rhodium Resources, recently launched
Kratos, a commodity trading platform, after trialing
it with four traders based in Dubai, Hong Kong, Ma-
laysia and Singapore. The system uses blockchain
technology and self-executing smart contracts that
cannot be manipulated or duplicated.
• EnerPort was launched at the International Ener-
gy Research Centre (IERC) Annual Conference in
early 2018. It will seek to accelerate peer-to-peer
energy trading in Ireland through blockchain tech-
nology. Led by the IERC, and in partnership with
SFI’s INSIGHT Centre at NUI Galway, EnerPort
also involves a number of indigenous companies
including Systemlink Technologies, MSemicon,
and Verbatm.
• Tiqpit Solutions Ltd is an independent blockchain
commodity trading platform developer that re-
cently processed orders and trades in a simulat-
ed market environment using the trading module
tiqpit-platform, a prototype based on distributed
ledger technology (DLT).
• In December last year, EPEX SPOT also an-
nounced an initiative aimed at connecting micro-
grids to the who