Reports Disruptive Technologies in Commodity Trading | Page 15
Disruptive Technologies in Commodity Trading Markets
sentiment analysis and near real-time incident identi-
fication. However, despite its potential value and the
attention that social media has garnered over the last
A ComTechAdvisory Report
decade, relatively few respondents (only 39%) indi-
cated that their businesses are currently interested
in social media data mining (Figure 4).
Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
have significant potential to transform, via intelligent
automation, the various business processes and op-
erations in commodities; and the respondents rated
this category quite highly as both an area of impact
and investment over the next 12-24 months (Figures
1 & 2); and were viewed as having the second great-
est chance of disrupting or having significant impact
on business processes (Figure 5). As an example of the growing interest in data science
and ML, Cargill 7 is reportedly building ML models for
agriculture, food and commodities. As noted, Cargill
sees ML as having application across a range of ar-
eas – from optimization of shipping routes and satel-
lite image analysis to examining crop yields, to even
the interpretation of acoustic recordings of shrimp
eating, informing shrimp farmers when to add more
fish feed.
ML and AI are viewed by most market observers
as hand-in-hand solutions for addressing the vast
amounts of data that the industry generates and can
now access – providing a wealth of detailed informa-
tion from production to consumption for almost all
commodities for those that can access, analyze and
act on it. Numerous other commodity-centric businesses are
investing in AI and ML across a number of functional
areas - including applications for automated and algo
trading, optimized hedging programs for improved
risk reduction and portfolio optimization, FX trading,
and demand forecasting. For example, AI is being de-
ployed by the National Grid in the UK in a program
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