Reports Disruptive Technologies in Commodity Trading | Page 14

Disruptive Technologies in Commodity Trading Markets A ComTechAdvisory Report A Role for Social Media? Social media have become a very popular medium and arguably a relatively untapped source of poten- tially useful intelligence for commodity businesses. Twitter and industry expert blogs are already utilized in other asset classes, such as equities, to provide traders with both trading signals and sentiment anal- ysis. Unfortunately, the flood of data and information pour- ing onto and out of platforms such as Facebook and Twitter - with the vast majority of it being nothing more than “noise” comprised of uninformed opin- ions, unfounded rumors and personal experiences – can limit its appeal and usefulness to commodity trading professionals. However, given the ubiquitous nature of social media, its potential value cannot be dismissed. Social media, is now, in almost all cas- es, the first source to identify events or trends that could impact demand or availability of commodities - such as localized severe weather events and other emergency conditions tweeted by residents or first responders. Events such as industrial accidents, civil unrest or transportation disruptions in a producing area can impact commodity production, deliveries or demand…with knock-on effects on price movements or contractual deliveries. Recognizing the potential value of social media as an information source, there are a number of companies offering social media derived data products - and a number of generic news platforms are now incorpo- rating these tools. Additionally, software products are now available to help traders make use of social media, including tools to automate tr