Reports 2016 Vendor Perception Report | Page 5

2016 CTRM Vendor Perceptions Study Research Demographics We received a total of 230 responses to our survey; however, we eliminated 75 of those responses as they were provided by vendor personnel, were incomplete, or were otherwise suspicious. After this reduction, we were left with a total of 155 valid responses (Figure 1). By comparison, the last such study, conducted in 2014, garnered 146 valid responses. The respondent’s locations reflected a reasonable distribution of experienced CTRM software users, consultants and implementers, with the majority of the responses coming from Europe (56%), North America (34%), and Asia-Pacific (9%). A single valid response was received from the Middle East. The distribution of responses is slightly biased towards Europe and this has been a feature of ComTech surveys recently where European respondents have outnumbred North American respondents. In 2014, there were proportionally more North American respondents. Figure 1 - Distribution of Responses Middle East/Africa 1 AsiaPac 14 North America 53 Europe 87 Figure 2 - Respondent Type Merchant/Trader Utility/Generator The largest industry group participating in our research was the Merchant/Trader/Broker group (30%), followed by the Utility/Generator group (26.5%) and Consultants/Systems Integrators (21%). The remaining company segments comprised less than 10% each (Figure 2). By comparison to 2014, we received more end user responses, pushing the consultants into third place. Other than that, the actual segment representation was broadly similar. It should be noted however, that many of the respondents indicated that their companies spanned multiple industry classes. As such, many of the companies identified as traders and refiners could also be representative of the oil and gas exploration/production markets. That being said, based upon ComTech research, it does appear that the oil and gas companies are under-represented in our data. Consultant/SI Oil & Gas Producer Chemical/Petrochemic… Scrap Metal Metals Processor Mining/Metals Extraction Industrial Consumer Ag Producer/Farmer Financial… Government agency Data Management Software 0 10 20 30 40 50 Note: Responses provided by Consultants/Systems Integrators were not considered in questions relating to software systems in current use, commodities traded, or satisfaction with current software solution in use. © 2016 Commodity Technology Advisory LLC 5